Our vision is materialized in each child’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) co-prepared by children, their parents, teachers, psychologists or other involved stake holdrers in the child's education.
The ILP has five components:
My Learning Plan: children, helped by their teacher, describe at what they are good, what they would like to learn and even how they would like to learn. This data is crucial in guiding teachers to create curricula and group projects that are based on the children’s interests and affinities. On a day-to-day basis the learning objectives of lessons are made explicit to the children as are the steps needed for this to be achieved. The children become familiar with the terms WALT (we are learning today…) and WILF (what I am looking for…).
SEAL (social and emotional approach to learning): the child reflects on themes that have been worked on during circle time.
Me and my Group: children reflect on the way they contribute to the smooth and successful functioning of the class group. They also comment on their own needs within the group.


The pre-school program consists of a reception class, where children aged 4-5 are inspired to use their imagination to create and discover the world. The program focuses on the child as a whole, making sure that emotional and social skills are developed, along with the intellectual and academic ones.
Key Stage 1

The Key Stage 1 includes Years 1 and 2, that work towards setting the foundations for ambitious, capable learners who undertake research and evaluate critically what they find. This is achieved by providing a stimulating and exciting curriculum, which is both inclusive and challenging, in order to get the best from every child.
Key Stage 2

Key stage 2 includes Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. Students engages in Project-Based Learning (PBL) and a hands-on approach or Experiential pedagogy in education. The classes never exceed 12 students which creates a strong bond between students and the teachers. It's more like a big family than a school, where everyone supports each other. Students get to have fun at the same time as making sure all the work is done.
Kassianou 6, Ypsonas 4180, Limassol
+357 - 70071500
+357 - 25253045
We currently offer progressive primary level educational lessons, unique to education in Cyprus, for students aged 5 and up. We hold a license to operate as a private primary school and we are currently in the process of procuring licensed facilities for secondary school.